healthy (trying to be) update

Friday, August 27, 2010

So it's been awhile on the health update.  I think the last time I blogged about getting in shape, I was going to try some supplements.  I tried them for a month, which I don't think I gave them enough time to work.  I think you need to try something like that for at least 3 months.  Anyways, I kind of fell off the exercise wagon so to speak.  Two of my kids were in baseball/softball this summer, which pretty much took up 4 nights a week... So I had to stop going to my workout classes in the evening to take them to ball.  I still tried to exercise at home, I did some P90X until my joints started to hurt from it.  The good news is I maintained my weight, I did not gain any weight, but I didn't lose anymore either.  I  found out the 8% body fat I had lost, helped lower my cholesterol.  It went from 209 to 196.  Whoohoo!  I plan on getting that number even lower!  Baseball is coming to an end this week and I will finally be able to go back to my workout classes on a regular basis.  It is so much easier to exercise when I have other girls there doing it with me, and a trainer to push me harder than I would push myself.

I also have a bit of new motivation......some girls I know have put together a "biggest loser" challenge, we are getting together on a weekly basis, to encourage and support each other, and of course "weigh in".  We are putting some money into it on a monthly basis, and the person with the most percentage of weight loss wins it all.  I'm planning on being the winner.......I'm gonna need some newer smaller clothes. :0P  The challenge ends in January.....I'll let you know how it goes.

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