Senior Models 2012

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's back to school time!  Time to start thinking about getting your senior pictures done for those that are in the graduating class of 2012.  In case you haven't seen the 2012 Senior Models from Stigman Photography on Facebook, here's a little recap.  

Tessa-Owensboro Catholic High School

Hillary-Daviess County High School
 Margaret-Owensboro High School

 Lisa-Henderson County High School

 Lindsay-Ohio County High School
 If you are wanting to save a little money on your Senior Portraits, these girls have a referral card for you with $50 off your Senior Session!  Go talk to one of these girls, ask them for a referral card, they'll be happy to give you one and tell you how much fun they had during their senior session.   Get your appointment scheduled soon, Saturdays and after school times are filling up quickly!


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