Senior Models 2016

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hello Friends, I took a 2 year hiatus from my photography business with our moves from KY to MN and then to MT. I did a couple weddings, and photo shoots for special friends, family and special clients but I didn't want to build up a business when I knew I would be moving again. Now that I am in Helena, Montana and we are here to stay it's time to get this business off the ground and do what I love to do. I will be photographing weddings again but I only will take on a maximum of 12 a year so that I will also have time to photograph High School Seniors, families, kids, and pets. That being said, I am looking for current High School Juniors who would like to be a part of the Stigman Photography 2016 Senior Model Program. It's a great way to earn huge discounts on your senior portraits. If you know any juniors that might like to be a part of the this program, please forward this info to them. To find out more about the program go to or to my website

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