Senior Models 2012

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's back to school time!  Time to start thinking about getting your senior pictures done for those that are in the graduating class of 2012.  In case you haven't seen the 2012 Senior Models from Stigman Photography on Facebook, here's a little recap.  

Tessa-Owensboro Catholic High School

Hillary-Daviess County High School
 Margaret-Owensboro High School

 Lisa-Henderson County High School

 Lindsay-Ohio County High School
 If you are wanting to save a little money on your Senior Portraits, these girls have a referral card for you with $50 off your Senior Session!  Go talk to one of these girls, ask them for a referral card, they'll be happy to give you one and tell you how much fun they had during their senior session.   Get your appointment scheduled soon, Saturdays and after school times are filling up quickly!

One hot wedding!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to blogging, things get updated on facebook much faster than on the blog.  So, if you want to see what I'm up to that's a little more current than the blog, click "like" on my facebook page and you will be in the loop.

It's been a busy summer, with 3 kids in ball, and coaching a Tball team, we were constantly on the go.  Not to mention all the sessions I've done this summer and plus a wedding.  I have lots of updating to do so I will just start off with the wedding from June.

You might remember Heather from a few facebook albums, she was the girl in the formal ridding a 4 wheeler in the mud and this family session with her and her little guy at the carnival.  I was super excited for her when she got engaged to Keith, I knew from all the sessions I had with her  previously that her wedding would be a great time as well.  

You can tell by this image, it was the hottest wedding I have ever photographed.  

HaHa! I meant literally, the temperature that day was 94 degrees or something like that, plus the high humidity I think the heat index was probably 104.  Everything was outdoors, and it was hot!  Heather and Keith were
troopers though, they did a first look before the wedding, and had their special moment seeing each other for the first time and then we went right into getting their pictures done.  Here's a moment from when Keith saw her for the first time.
Some of the portraits......

 and some of the details.......

I gotta say the shoes were pretty hot......

Heather's little man Gavin, walked her down the aisle, it was so sweet.

 I loved how excited they were to be married!

Heather and her dad a didn't miss a beat with their choreographed father/daughter dance.

Now she's showing Keith some new dance moves........

How do you end an incredibly hot day?..........fireworks of course!

Congrats to this new little family, thanks so much for letting me be a part of your day!

If you'd like to see more images from this wedding, click here to see the slideshow or here for the facebook album.

Fitness Fridays

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Friday! Another blog post about fitness.  Today is all about baby steps to health and fitness.  I think so many times people are so overwhelmed with the amount of changes they have to make in their life to get healthy that they quit before they even start.  Start with something small.  For the first couple weeks pick one little thing to change about your lifestyle.  How about giving up soda, or at least cut back on the amount of soda you drink to maybe 3 a week.  Instead drink water, or another low calorie drink.  You'd be amazed how calories you actually drink each week with soda, juice, coffee drinks, etc.   I don't know about you, but I'd rather eat my calories than drink them.  Just one small little change like that will help you start losing weight.

After doing one little change for a couple weeks, add another little change to your lifestyle.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Park further away at the store, so you have more walking to do to get to the door.

A few weeks after that, choose an activity you want to do 3 times a week for 20 minutes.  It can be as simple as a walk or bike ride.  Do something that gets you moving, put on some music and dance for 20 minutes.  Trust me, you'll be glad you did.  Soon you'll be ready to start making changes to the types of food you are eating, and increase the amount of exercise you are doing.  Taking small steps every few weeks, will get you on your way to a healthy lifestyle.  Go ahead, pick one small change today.  

My fitness and health update: I've joined another weight loss challenge with 9 other people for the next 10 weeks.  $10 goes to the winner each week for the most percentage of weight loss and at the end of 10 weeks the one with the highest percentage wins $50.  My goal is to lose another 10 lbs, another pants size and lose another 3% in body fat in these next 10 weeks.  Wish me luck!

favorite things

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My favorite color (or shades of that color) has always been turquoise.  Maybe because it reminds me of the ocean, which is my favorite place to be.  By luck that color is in my logo. Subconsciously, it's probably the reason why I choose my logo.  I wore a teal colored dress to my junior prom.  My husband makes fun of me that I liked such a "90's" color.  Guess what, If I had to do it over again, I'd still pick that color, maybe not that particular style, but for sure the color. Today as I was searching the Internet for turquoise living room accents and chairs, I came across a blog devoted to the color turquoise and was tickled pink.  (hahha pun intended)  I immediately added it to my google reader.  If you happen to like turquoise too, here's the link 

My birthday is coming up, and I found a piece of jewelry I would love to have.  It's only $5400
hahaha  a girl can dream can't she?

High School Seniors

Monday, March 7, 2011

I love being able to photograph on location.  I get to photograph my clients at their favorite spots, and they are so much more relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera.  I got to photograph Bekah at a few places, we started off at my house,  where we have access to 45 acres to play on; the woods, fields, a lake.... so much to do.  Then we went to Bekah's house, I photographed her on the swing in her backyard that she used to play on when she was a little girl.  Then off to the farm where her horses are at.  We got some great images with her horses and her sweet dog, Hunter.  I think Bekah's inner beauty, as well as her outer beauty shined through in these images.  Thanks for all the fun!

By the way, in case anyone was wondering about location photography, and what I do about the weather if it's bad- here's the lo-down.  The only time I cancel a session is if it's really cold, or raining.  Sometimes, windy days can be used to my advantage with blowing hair, usually we can find places where there is shelter from the wind.  Gloomy cloudy days are fine too.  The key to great images is lighting, if the light is not great, then I will make it great with various reflectors, and light modifiers and possibly some off camera flash.  I usually bring all that stuff with me when shooting in clients homes as well, in case you are worried about the lighting in your home.  In other words, don't worry, I'm a professional. :0)

Fitness Fridays

Friday, March 4, 2011

I've been wanting to do a weekly blog post for some time now.  I decided that since I have been on this fitness journey for a while now, that I would write weekly posts on some aspect of fitness.  Now when I say "fitness" I don't mean starving yourself to be a size 2 or trying the latest greatest diet fad.   I mean changing your lifestyle to making healthy food choices a majority of the time and exercising your body.  I have not reached my fitness goals yet, but I am working at it daily.  

I think the best decision I have made when it comes to fitness is having a personal trainer.  Someone who can help me figure out realistic fitness goals, hold me accountable to them and giving me the tools (exercise and food choices) to reach those goals.  

Now I don't want you to think a personal trainer is going to be like your fairy godmother, who will wave her magic wand and poof, you're in shape.  It took you more than a week to put on the weight, and it's going to take more than a week to get it off.  You have to be patient, and not give up when you don't drop 13lbs in a week like they do on "biggest loser"  That doesn't happen here in the real world.   You may not lose any weight the first few weeks, but that doesn't mean your body isn't changing.  You may find your clothes are fitting better instead.  You may find yourself not getting winded after going up two flights of stairs.  Things are changing, stick with it.  

You also have to remember a personal trainer can't be with you 24/7 (unless you're very wealthy) to monitor what food you are putting into your body.  You have to make the food choices, but if you write down what you eat every day in a journal, and bring it to your trainer, she can help guide you in the right direction.  She may tell you that after seeing what you've eaten for a week, you may be eating way too many carbs and not enough protein, or vice versa.  She may tell you that you have not been eating enough calories and your body is going into starvation mode and holding on to the weight, or maybe you're eating a few too many.  

You still have to show up for your workouts, she can't be a puppet master and move your body for you.  She is not there to be your friend during a workout.  My personal trainer really is my friend in my everyday life, but when I'm there to workout, she's not my friend for that hour.  Sometimes I don't like her during that hour.  She doesn't pat me on the back and say "it's ok honey, that's good enough, you did your best, you can be done now." when I want to quit.  Oh no, after 60 seconds of doing a wall squat and my legs are shaking and burning and I want to quit, she says "You got another 30 seconds to go, if you drop and quit, I'm going to add even more time!"  "You can do this, focus!"  Believe me, she will add more time.  That is just what I need, someone to motivate me and push me further than I would push myself, not someone who will enable me to give up when I think it's too hard.  I do get a "you did good, I'm proud of you." after I'm drenched in sweat and completely spent.

With the help of my trainer, Heather,  I have lost 27 lbs, 12% body fat and 3 pants/dress sizes.  How long did that take me?  Well most of it I achieved in the last 6 months.  The first year I trained with Heather, I worked out with her about twice a week, maybe once or twice a week on my own.  I lost about 7 lbs and a pants size and dropped a bit in body fat.   Now had I been making healthy food choices consistently  I would have reached my goals last year.  I would eat pretty good during the weekdays, and then on the weekends I would completely blow it and eat whatever I wanted.  Now you're not going to reach your goals very quickly by only working out twice a week and not eating consistently. I also had to stop my training during the late spring and summer because of my kids' sports schedule.  I tried to workout on my own at home, but I certainly did not push myself.  I did maintain my loss during that time, so that was good.  

In August, I decided to get more focused on my goals and be consistent in my training and eating.  It has paid off.  I was part of a "biggest loser" challenge with some other girls, and that helped motivate me as well.  Our last weigh in was in February, and I'm sorry to say I was not the biggest loser.  I lost by less than 1%.  So close!  I am hoping to reach my goal by summer.  What exactly is my goal.....well it's not a number on the scale.  It's a realistic size, and body fat percentage along with a few physical goals of being able to run a 5k and being able to do pull ups.  That pull up goal may take a while, but I will achieve it!  On Monday, Heather intensified my training and added some more to it. 
Here is my training schedule as of now: don't be jealous :0P
Monday-1 hour of circuit training and 90 mins. of Muay Thai 
Tuesday- couch to 5k program 30 min.
Wednesday- off
Thursday- 1 hour of circuit training
Friday- couch to 5k program 30 min. and 90 mins. of Muay Thai
Saturday-couch to 5k program 30 min. 1 hour of circuit training

And because a blog post is always better with picutures, here's my before and after pictures from the last 6 months.  Don't make fun of my workout look, or I may have to show you some of my Muay Thai moves. :0P 
Looking at these photos motivate me to keep going, hopefully these posts will help motivate you to reach your goals as well.

momma's kisses

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The best medicine in the world is a mother's kiss.
- Anonymous

If you'd like to see more images from this session, click here to see the facebook album.

Twirling, Twirling

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sunny days and warm weather make me want to go and twirl in a field too.

If you'd like to see more images from this session click here to go to the facebook album.

2012 Senior Model Program

Monday, February 28, 2011

Stigman Photography is looking for current juniors to be a part of our Senior Model Program.

The Stigman Photography Model Program is a way for 2012 high school seniors to earn discounts on their senior portraits, while helping us show off the latest styles and update our senior images.

Senior Rep Benefits:

1) A free 45 minute modeling test session taken in March.
2) Receive the senior portrait session of your choice for FREE when photographed in June 2011 (session fee only)
3) You'll get your test shoot images on facebook, and these will add more variety to the images for your senior portrait session.
4) Rep Cards-25 custom designed cards with your name and image to get you started (lets hope you will need more) Be sure to hand these out to your friends. For every rep card redeemed from your friends, you will receive $50 off your final portrait order and your friend will receive $50 toward their session fee. Valid one card per senior, per session.
5) A Look Book featuring some of your images from your test session. Be sure to show this to all your friends.

What's required of me?
We will need you AND your parents to sign a contract stating that you agree to have your 2012 senior portraits taken at Stigman Photography and that you will not represent another photographer or studio during your senior year.

Does is cost anything?

A good faith investment of $100 is required, but that entire $100 is given right back to you as a credit towards your senior portrait order.

Who are we looking for?

We're interested in 2012 seniors who appreciate the Stigman Photography quality, style and look, and who can see the difference in our work. You don't have to be a perfect model size or look like a model to get into the program. We base our decision on personality, activities, and eagerness to be in the program.

Only a limited number of reps will be accepted from each school. So if you are interested in being a part of our senior model program, then sign up TODAY!  Click
here to fill out the application.  It's super easy!

Owensboro Family Photographer

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here is another fun, family session I had in the fall......Heather, Gavin and the bulldogs; Booker and Lola.

 We went to Heather's Grandpa's farm and made use of some old barns. 

We included Gavin's special blanket in a few images, here he's pretending to be superman, flying with his mean ....cape.
and then it was off to the carnival.....Gavin got his tickets,

 and had a blast on the slide as well as a few other rides.
to check out all of Heather and Gavin's fun click here to see their slideshow.

Owensboro Family Photographer

Friday, January 21, 2011

Back in September I ran a family portrait contest, where the winner would receive a portrait session plus 25 Christmas cards.  Angie Wathen was the winner, and she had the perfect idea that would fit her family not to mention all the facebook votes.  This was Angie's idea:
"The location would be my parents farm. We could make pictures by the lake of us just having fun. Us riding on the ranger in the the woods. Would love pictures of us in the woods. There is also some old barns on the property. Mom and Dad's porch would make wonderful pictures, and there fountain area in the front. There is so many places on there farm that would be great for making outside family pictures."
A quick side note I have to tell you, most of the time the men do not like having to be in portraits but I do have the answer to remedy that problem ladies!  Are you ready for the answer?  Involve them in the whole process.  Take some time to talk together as a family, talk about what you enjoy doing the most together, and where.  Include the kids too, they will tell you when they have the most fun.  Once you figure out your favorite family activity and location, the rest is easy.  The guys and kids are more comfortable in front of the camera when they are in a place that is comfortable to them.  Just ask Angie's husband, Frank.  He'd tell you  he was pretty apprehensive about having to have family portraits made, but after a couple of minutes of driving around the farm and taking pictures, he was having fun, the whole family was having fun.  

I did Angie's family session at the end of October and I think we pretty much photographed every idea Angie had, plus some.

If you'd like to see more images you can check out the facebook album here.
Oh and her Christmas cards were pretty cool by the way, she was the envy of all her friends for having the coolest cards. ;0)

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